Mission and Vision


Mission and Vision

Mission Statement

Our mission is to preach, teach, and witness the gospel of Jesus Christ, creating and maturing disciples glorifying God.

As a growing, caring, sharing body of believers of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, our mission is primarily two-fold. The first objective is to retrieve lost sheep through exalting our Savior in preaching, teaching, and witnessing to the world.  These evangelistic efforts go beyond the walls of our sanctuary to include radio, television, audio and videotapes, and print media. The second objective of our mission is to teach, nurture, and encourage participation in church ministry, promote family enrichment and the spiritual growth of the members of the church fellowship, and to foster the development of disciples for the Kingdom of God.

Vision Statement

It is our vision to BRING people to Christ through preaching, teaching and witnessing, DEVELOP them to spiritual maturity; and EQUIP them for Kingdom service in praise and worship that glorifies our Lord, Creator, and Redeemer.

Through this vision we endeavor to share Christ with our community, city, state, country and world through the preached and taught Word, print media and electronic media as we fulfill the Great Commission given by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:18-20. Hence, our motto, “Preaching Christ to the World." 

Affiliations Statement

The New Zion Hill Missionary Baptist Church of Augusta, Georgia is affiliated with the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc., General Missionary Baptist Convention of Georgia, and Walker Baptist Association.


For additional information click on the following links:

National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. http://www.nationalbaptist.com

Walker Baptist Association- http://www.walkerbaptistassociation.com