Pastor and First Lady Hogan


Pastor and First Lady Hogan


We greet you in the name of Jesus and thank you for visiting our website.  We believe that through it you will obtain important information about New Zion Hill and receive showers of blessings. We encourage you to carefully examine the contents of the site.  It is designed to highlight a variety of ministries, programs, services and activities.   In it you will find something that can bless every willing heart.  This website is merely a glimpse of the great things God is doing through us and with us.

We also invite you to join us in our various worship experiences.  We offer Sunday morning worship service, Wednesday evening Bible Study and Thursday afternoon Bible Study.  God has also led and enabled us to broadcast the Word of Truth via radio and television as we fulfill our motto, "Preaching Christ to the World."  We also provide learning opportunities through our Christian Leadership School (CLS) for those who are interested in expanding their biblical knowledge.  Students enrolled in the CLS earn course credits toward the Certificate of Progress Program (COPP) certification through the Sunday School Publishing Board, National Baptist Convention, USA.

Again, thank you for visiting our website.  We believe you will be blessed by what you experience.

In His Service,

Reverend Dr. James A. Hogan, Sr., Pastor and Deaconess Carrie B. Hogan, First Lady